Wedding Cake, Florence, Italy – Painted Cameo
Wedding Cake in Florence, Italy by Tuscan Cake Designer L’Arte Della Torta di Melanie Secciani. Every cake has it’s own inspiration, and my favorite cakes are the ones that use really unique details. They just feel so much more personal and intimate.
On of the things that I love to do is scour vintage shops and the antique markets in Florence for really one of a kind pieces of jewelry or pottery.
The design for this cake came about after I had designed another cake, for a destination bride, who wanted an intricate cameo on her cake. I had found this cameo as part of a necklace, in Florence’s Piazza Ciompi Antique Market, and fallen in love with it. When I showed the cameo to the bride, she fell in love with it’s unique renaissance style portrait. I molded the face of the cameo to create the center of the intricate cameo piece. Then used another antique piece I had found, a brass embossed plate to create the outer flower design. I formed the two pieces into a single piece and loved it. You can see that cake here.
In the original cake the cameo was all white, but when I had a bride who wanted a very romantic Italian feel to her cake with pale purple detailing, I thought back to that cameo piece and was inspired to recreate it with color. The soft purples, roses and greens give it such a delicate and romantic feel.
For the lace on the cake I used two patterns. On the top and second to bottom tier, I recreated a piece of lace that the bride had given me in royal icing on the cake. I love doing that because it’s really amazing when people start looking at the details on the cake and the theres this WOW moment when they realize that it’s the same lace pattern as the bride is wearing. To economize the cake, for the second lace pattern I used a sugar lace pattern and just pulled out some of the details to give it some highlights.
The whole cake was then set off by a gorgeous painted sugar ribbon and a double piped pearl boarder. The end result was so delicate, romantic and elegant.
As pictured serves 236
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Tuscan Wedding Cakes, Italy's premiere wedding cake designer, creates spectacular designs for destination weddings and events in Florence, Tuscany, Siena, and throughout Italy.